Do It Yourself Geothermal

Companies offering Do It Yourself Geothermal are popping up in the United States; they are not for the average homeowner handyman however they can be quite useful for HVAC familiar parties who have the proper skills to appropriately install each component.

Some chose the DIY route in hopes of saving money on the installation. Of course doing the work on your own will save you a few dollars, just make sure you have the skills to properly install the system. A bad installation will be become a big headache… installation is not rocket science however you'll need to follow instructions closely.

Kits include the Heat Pumps & Loop Field Components

Most kits come complete with the geothermal heat pump, the necessary pipe for the ground loop, the thermostat, flow center, and glycol. If you don't understand what these components are you should probably have a geothermal system installed by a professional.

Check out a DIY Geothermal System Kit online .

Purchasing the Kit - Make sure real support is provided

Make sure the outfit you are purchasing the kit from offers unlimited customer support - they should also be helpful choosing the correct size for you application. All equipment should come with at least a few year warranty.

Ask for a few references you can contact to ensure the support will be helpful.

Sizing a DIY System

It might seem obvious that not all homes are going to use the same size heat pump but the sizing is more complex than "the bigger the house the bigger the heat pump needs to be". When a geothermal contractor installs a new system they do a Manual J load calculation to determine the heating and cooling needs of the home, they then size the equipment and loop field of these calculations.

Before you purchase a do it yourself geo kit be sure you are purchasing the correct size equipment by having an Manual J calculation done on your home.

Other things to consider before buying a DIY GEO Kit

  • Installation of the loop field. Do you have access to the correct equipment?
  • Federal 30% Tax Credit. Does your system apply?
  • Power! You'll need a power source to your unit
  • Refrigerant, make sure it comes pre-charged
  • Duct work modification

Direct your questions and curiosities to the kit providers at Ingrams DIY Geothermal.

Ingram's Water and Air Equipment recommends homeowners have installations performed by a professional to ensure the highest level of satisfaction